Andrew Achampong-Kyei is a chartered insurer and a lawyer called to both the UK and Ghana bar.
He joined GLICO Group Ltd in 2010 as the Company Secretary, Head of Legal and Special Risks. He led GLICO Group’s legal and special risks outfit with demonstrated commitment; ensuring the application of prudent risk exposure management interventions.
He has gained in-depth understanding of risk assessment and underwriting of major and complex risks and energy insurance through executive management training program in one of the world’s leading broking firms, Filhet Allard Maritime, France, as well as an attachment at Marsh Limited (UK) – a global leader in insurance broking and risk management.
He has substantially enhanced his leadership, managerial and technical capabilities through his participation in executive training programs in critical disciplines such as: Governance and Risk Management in September 2016 (Ghana); Risk Management in July 2017 (Ghana); Terrorism and Sabotage, Political and Cyber Crime Risk Insurance in September 2017 in Nigeria, and other functional training programs.
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