Mrs. Dorcas Naa Torshie Kane
Dorcas Naa Torshie Kane has been called to the Ghana Bar and is a member of the Ghana Bar Association.
She holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biochemistry from the University of Ghana. She obtained her Bachelor of Laws Degree (LLB) from the University of London, UK.
Prior to her appointment to her current role, she was a member of the Legal Department of GLICO Group Limited.
Dorcas is currently the Company Secretary for GLICO Group LTD and its six (6) associated companies namely GLICO Healthcare LTD, GLICO Life Insurance Company LTD, GLICO General Insurance Company LTD, GLICO Pensions Trustee Company LTD, GLICO Capital LTD and GLICO Properties LTD.
Dr. Justice Duffu Yankson
Dr. Justice Duffu Yankson is a practicing Medical Doctor and a Lawyer with nineteen (19) years and thirteen (13) years of work experience in the medical and legal professions respectively.
He has vast experience in Investment and Fund Management (especially pension fund management) as well as investment, corporate law, and governance.
He has contributed immensely to the growth of the pensions industry in Ghana, particularly public sector pensions. He has worked at various levels with the National Pensions Regulatory Authority (NPRA) including service on the NPRA’s board as a director.
Dr. Yankson is a product of St. Augustine’s College - Cape Coast, University of Ghana, Legon, and the Ghana School of Law. He also holds an MBA (Finance) from the University of Ghana Business School.
For over eleven years, Dr. Yankson has been active in Organized Labour activities as well as lecturing part-time with the College of Health Sciences, the University of Ghana, and the Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons.
He is the current General Secretary of the Ghana Medical Association and has held key leadership roles with organisations such as the GMA Star Fund Board of Trustees, National Tripartite Committee, and the Ghana Ethics Review Committee.
During the peak of the COVID-19 crisis, Dr. Yankson significantly contributed his quota as a member of the National Emergency Operations Committee (EOC) for COVID and the Chairman of the Technical Committee of the Ghana Covid-19 Private Sector fund.
In March 2023, he was honored by the President of the Republic of Ghana, with an Order of the Volta, Companion for his service as Trustee of the COVID-19 private sector fund.
Nana Agyenim Boateng I is the Traditional Ruler of Amoaman in the Atwima Nwabiagya North District in Ashanti Region.
Nana is well-versed in operations management and logistics, especially in the entire cocoa value chain. He began his career and experience in logistics as a Traffic Officer in the Produce Buying Company of Ghana Cocoa Board and rose through the ranks to become the Operations Manager in charge of the Haulage Department where he planned, supervised, and monitored the Purchase and Evacuation of the entire purchase of the annual cocoa production by Ghana Cocoa Board.
Nana Agyenim Boateng I was from October 2000 to 2006, the Managing Director of Global Haulage Company Ltd, a leading transport and logistics company and Sole Shareholder of the following Licensed Cocoa Buying Companies, Federated Commodities Transroyal Company Ltd, Cocoa Merchant Company Ltd and Royal Commodities Ltd. Here, he managed the Operations and Evacuation of the cocoa purchase of the above companies between 80,000 to 110,000 tonnes per annum.
He was appointed as the Deputy Managing Director of Operations at PBC Limited from the year 2006 to 2016 and Ag. Chief Executive Officer from January 2017 to August 2017.
Prior to his appointment as a director of GLICO Healthcare, he was the Managing Director of Cocoa Processing Company Ltd from September 2017, till his resignation on 21st March 2023.
Edward Nana Yaw Koranteng
Edward Nana Yaw Koranteng is an investment banker and lawyer with over twenty-three years corporate experience. He started his professional career as a Management Consultant at PriceWaterhouseCoopers in 1999.
Koranteng holds various certifications in management, marketing finance, energy and mining, including Oil, Gas and Mining Governance from the University of Oxford. He holds a BA (Hons) from the University of Ghana and studied law at the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom, where he also obtained a Master of Laws (LLM) in international banking and finance.
He holds a Postgraduate Diploma in law from the BPP Law School in the UK with specialisation in corporate law and international trade law. He was called to the English and Welsh Bar at Lincoln’s Inn and subsequently to the Ghana Bar.
Mr. Koranteng was appointed as a Director of GLICO General Insurance LTD in April, 2023 and is currently the Chief Executive Officer of the Minerals Income Investment Fund. Prior to that, Mr. Koranteng was the Regional Head of East, Central and Southern Africa for Ghana International Bank plc (GHIB) in the United Kingdom, and stationed primarily in Nairobi, Kenya.
Edward Koranteng is the co-founder of one of Ghana’s leading corporate law firms, Koranteng & Koranteng Legal Advisors.
If you are a contractor, our Contractor’s All Risk/Erection All Risk is highly recommended for you.
The Policy provides all risk cover to contractors in respect of both temporary and permanent works, in the course of construction or erection, and until the job is handed over by the contractor to the employer. The cover extends to also include loss of or damage to the unfixed materials or equipment on site. Our policy allows for all items of constructional plant/machinery, equipment, tools and the like, and also temporary buildings for use as site offices and their contents to be covered. There is also a third party liability cover up to and not exceeding a specified amount for which you as the contractor shall be legally liable consequent on: –
- Accidental bodily injury or illness to third parties
- Damage to property belonging to third parties
The plant machinery and equipment of the Contractor being used in connection with the contract may also be covered under the policy.
This policy covers all types of machinery, plant and mechanical equipment, including construction equipment, plants, production equipment, etc. at work or at rest or during maintenance operations. The policy covers unforeseen and sudden physical loss of or damage to plant, machinery and equipment which necessitate their repair or replacement.It therefore covers such causes as faulty design, faulty operations, malicious acts, physical explosion, short circuit, storm etc.
GLICO General’s Electronic Equipment policy is specially designed to cover all electrical and electronic systems such as Electronic Data Processing equipment, Electrical equipment for medical use, equipment for research and material testing, communication facilities, computers, etc. The policy provides an all risk cover against any unforeseen and sudden physical loss or damage by any cause (other than the exclusions specified in the policy), thereby necessitating their repair or replacement.
The Money insurance policy indemnifies the insured against accidental loss or damage to the insured’s cash, bank and currency notes, cheques, postal orders etc. while in transit from one specified location to the other. Cash-Hold policy is effective when the insured’s cash is being held up in the business premises. Cash-in-Safe cover provides indemnity against damage or loss to the insured’s cash while they are being kept in safe at the insured’s location.
The risks associated with the transportation of goods from one destination to another are what this policy covers. It cover for loss or damage to goods while in transit by any insured vehicle against fire, theft following violence and damage of goods as a result of accident to the carrying vehicle. The insured is also covered whilst the insured property is in the course of loading or unloading from the conveyance or whilst temporarily housed in the ordinary course of transit.
Our Burglary policy covers loss or damage to the subject matter such as stocks and contents as a result of forcible and violent entry into or exit from the premises.